What Is Amized Fusion Technology?

AMized Fusion Technology™ (AFT)

Your solution to a HEALTHIER and HAPPIER LIFE

Why Do People Get Sick?

WELLNESS is the greatest wealth that anyone can enjoy but why do people fall sick? Why do people experience pain and discomfort when they fall sick? In order to understand that, we need to understand the “make up” of a human body.

What is A Bioenergetic Field?

Human beings are nothing more than a set of condensed energy made up by more than 70 trillion cells. When we break the human body down, we will find that we are actually made up of billions of electrons, protons and neutrons which are powered by nothing more than energy. 

Everything in and around us is energy. Even our emotions are made up of energy.

A healthy cell will typically emit 70 – 90 mill volts of energy. They are usually condensed together and form an energy field around us. This field is what is known as our “Bio Photon Field” (commonly known as the Bioenergetic Field) or the SOEF (Subtle Organizing Energy Field). This field is like a protective layer over the body, similar to the ozone layer of the earth. This field of energy is constantly interacting with our environment and as it is a part of our body (even though it cannot be seen), it is also powered by the energy from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and also draws energy from the atmosphere around us. If we want to be healthy, we will need a healthy bio-energetic field without disruptions. 

However, as we grow older, we suffer from “rapid aging” due to our lifestyle and environment. Our cellular emissions drop as low as 40 to 50 mill volts and that is the key to our fatigue and discomforts.

Disruptions in the Bio-energetic Field

There are 2 main disruptions in this energy field which affect and determine the quality of our bio-energetic field and they are namely OUR LIFESTYLE and OUR ENVIRONMENT

The quality and amount of nutrients we consume, the quality and amount of sleep and rest we have every day, the amount of stress we are going through and the amount of internal abuse our body is taking affects our body. A lack of sleep and nutrients and an increase in the amount of stress and internal abuse on the body lowers the quality of our bioenergetic field. 

As we age, our cells also emit less energy and we start to feel more fatigue. Likewise, environmental factors like an increase in the amount of pollution, radiation and esmog we are exposed to, and living in an unhealthy environment causes a “loss” of energy and weakens this energetic field.

As a result of these disruptions, a loss in energy occurs and the cells are weakened and emit only 40-50 mill volts. With this energy deficiency, the cell is weakened and will be unable to function at an optimal level. When this happens, we fall sick and experience aches and pains.

Can I avoid this loss of energy by living healthy, eating healthy and avoiding unhealthy environments?

Unfortunately for most people, there is no good way to totally avoid this loss of energy. 

Even if we were to make sure that we eat healthy, sleep early and stay away from unhealthy environments, it would be quite a feat to avoid the common electrical appliances and technological gadgets that have brought so much convenience to our lives.  


What Is AFT And How Does It Work?

How do we move from a distorted state to a fully energized state? 

The answer - products with the amazing AMized Fusion TechnologyTM.

AFT is a process that energizes products such that they resonate with Zero Point Field Energy. Together with the intelligence of our amazing body, the incredible Zero Point Field Energy can transform our energetic distortions, energetic disruptions and energetic disorders to give us energetic empowerment, energetic protection and energetic wellness. Over the course of the last 25 years, the company's Research & Development Team (comprising of a group of international experts in their own fields such as scientists, doctors and physicists) applied the principles of Quantum Physics andQuantum Mechanics to develop thisexceptional, proprietary resonance technology
During the AFT process, these products are energized to resonate at Zero Point resonance to help the body achieve homeostasis condition, a state of complete balance. The zero point resonance or vibrations from the products help the body to clear the distortions in the bio-energetic field, thereby restoring the body to homeostasis condition.

“Sounds fancy and seems powerful,” you may say. But what exactly is it?

In order to better understand AFT, you will first need to understand what Zero Point Energy is.

How Can We Use Zero Point Energy For Better Health?

The human being is totally made up of energy.

Physicists discovered that subatomic particles behave like energy and radiate energy. Like little radio transmitters, these particles send out specific patterns called waves into their surroundings. Researchers have been able to analyze the distinct wave patterns of normally-functioning body systems and organs as well as the wave patterns of allergens, viruses, bacteria and toxins (for example mercury). 

Every person sends out waves of different lengths, as unique as fingerprints. These waves make up our Bio-energetic Field. As this concept is beyond the sensory perception of the five senses, it is often ignored; yet it is one of the most important things that make up our body. It is becoming apparent to biochemists and those who work with energy that regulation and control in the body is dominated by quantum energetic fields rather than biochemistry. 

Contrary to popular belief, many processes in our body such as metabolic processes, hormone production, growth and regenerating processes are controlled and coordinated by the energy centers within the body. There is a correlation between our physical body, our energetic system and also the information system within our body. What affects one will create changes in another. 

The information and energetic systems keep everything running at the level of precision the body demands.

In addition, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions are also made up of energy. When our energy field gets distorted (through either a weakening of our internal energy or an exertion of external pressure such as stress, radiation, etc), there is a disruption in the flow of energy. We then become imbalanced and experience ‘dis-orders’ which may take the form of minor physical symptoms. Persistent disorders will eventually become diseases.

Researchers have reported that energy imbalances and blockages occurring in the field are usually due to some form of exposure including trauma, stress, abuse, deficiencies, faulty nutrition, toxins, pathogens or auto-intoxication and immune dysfunction. These exposures restrict and impose their energy fields upon the human body. 

A body without its own natural health sustaining energy fields can no longer withstands viruses, bacteria, toxic chemicals and metals, etc.

Thus, Zero Point Energy is very important and useful for the well-being of our body. Not only does it strengthen our bio-energetic field, sustain our energies and keep our energy centers strong, Zero Point Field Energy can also clear our energy blockages within the various energy centers that might have been causing problems like aches, pains and other discomforts. In addition, Zero Point Field Energy is also crucial for healing to take place within our body.  

How Can We Begin To Use A Breakthrough Quantum Technology Like AFT?

Our body sources energy from the food we eat and also from the Bio-energetic Field. The unique AMized Fusion Technology™ is able to impart Zero Point Field Energy into our many products such as our AMWand, AMPendant, AMGenex, Brine and EGA True. 

These products then act as a medium to attract even more Zero Point Energy into our body to help it self-regulate and self-maintain, thus harmonizing and bringing balance to all aspects of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.  

This means that instead of “curing” your dis-orders, the revolutionary AFT provides your body’s cells and liquids with the energy and support it needs to naturally correct and rejuvenate itself. Our body’s own natural intelligence can then channel the life force energy it receives from AFT products to the points where it is needed most. When administered over a period of time, it aids cell rejuvenation and enhances our inner vitality. When the body is balanced energetically, wellness naturally improves.

In order do that, all AMWell products go through a 3 step AMized Fusion TechnologyTM process that make themUNIQUEEFFICIENTand EFFECTIVE:

What Sort Of Health Benefits Does This Translate To? 

  • Looking and feeling 5-10 years younger within a few monthsas AMWellness’s AFT products slow down skin aging and improve skin rejuvenation to promote elasticity, tone and luminosity. The improvement in circulation and energy also helps to burn fats, eliminates toxins and reduce cellulite.

  • Relief from pains, achesand ailments associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, shoulder aches, migraines, headaches, injury pain, foot pain, carpal tunnel pain, shingles, back ache and muscle ache through the elimination of energetic blocks, clearing of chakra energy distortions and rejuvenation of bio energy fields in the body system.

  • Increased vitality, strength, flexibility, energy levelsand enjoyment of an overall improvement to the body’s well-being and productivity as the energy and blood circulation improves with the use of AMWellness’s AFT products.

  • Speedy recovery and healing after suffering from muscle fatigue, muscle aches, wounds, surgical operation and traumas.

  • Protection from electromagnetic radiation such as esmog and keeping the bioenergetic field in optimum condition.

  • Noticeable improvement in health due to improved immunity as a result of the increase and balance of energy levels in the body’s bio field.

AFT products can also be applied in a number of creative ways on our environment, plants, skin and body care products, foods and animals to enhance their potency and quality. When applied on skin and body care products such as creams, moisturizers, oils etc, it promotes effectiveness through better absorption into the body. 

AFT products can also increase the potency of the minerals and vitamins in the foods we eat. When applied on our pets, it can also relieve aches and supplement energy deficiency in our pets. When applied on our plants, it can infuse these plants with more energy to help them to grow faster and stronger. In addition, AFT products can be used to energize the environment and neutralize harmful elements from the liquids we drink, the air we breathe and the food that we eat. 

The benefits and possibilities are endless!

Learn More About AMized Fusion TechnologyTM With These Videos

How Our Body Is Affected By Technology

Find out how technology can affect our bodies and how AMized Fusion Technology™ can affect the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and even our sleep to help us stay healthy and happy! 

Introduction To Energetic Wellness

Learn about what is energetic wellness and how it can transform your life and your health to make you youthful, happy, healthy and filled with vitality! 

The Bioenergetic Field And Our Body

What is an bioenergetic field and what can it tell us about our health? Let these researchers show you more about your body's bioenergetic field and how AMized Fusion Technology™ can create a  marked difference!

Live Blood Analysis- What Does Your Blood Tell You?

Learn what your blood can tell you about your health and see for yourself how AMized Fusion Technology™ can help improve one's cellular health and regain vitality, energy and good health.

Lab Test About The Effectiveness Of AFT On An Olympic Athlete

Here is a lap test conducted in the Bayan Wellness Clinic on an Olympic athlete  to show how AFT helps the human body under stress. 

A Doctor Measures The Benefits Of AFT Products Using Quantum Scientific Machines

Founder and Director of the Eliseeva Medical Centre, Dr Olga Eliseeva PhD is a Medical Doctor from Russia with more than 35 years in medical practice. Using quantum medical equipment, Dr Olga shows how energetic tools that have undergone the AMIzed Fusion Technology™ process make a huge difference to one's health.

More About Bio-energetics

Once again, Dr Olga conducts research about the link between AFT and Bioenergetics and shows what a positive impact AFT can have on our bio-energetic field.
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